Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Happy New Year, everyone!

Hope you all started 2010 off with a bang! We've been busy, busy, busy here with all the holiday madness. But despite the craziness of New Year in New York, we've managed to come up with some of our own shopping resolutions for this year.

Top 10 in 2010

1. Wear more color.
This one's a difficult one, being a New Yorker and all, but looking at the spring line sheets just makes me crave the yummy, bright colors that Shoshanna, Trina Turk and Tracy Reese have in their 2010 collections. Look for these deliveries coming in at Olive & Bette's starting early January!

Trina Turk Spring 2010

Tracy Reese Spring 2010

2. Ditch the leggings.
Ok, I know this one will be the death of me because they are just soooooooo darn comfy, but I need to step away my daily uniform of leggings and start wearing more jeans and trousers. I just bought a pair of Citizens of Humanity legging jeans in the Star (black) wash, so that’s a start! And I’m not talking about going cold turkey here, I just want to mix it up a little bit!

3. Invest in a pretty coat.
I know. It’s 1° with wind-chill so pretty isn’t really on everyone’s minds right now. But it doesn’t mean that a gal can’t be fashionable (in maybe 40° weather) because hey, it really can’t be this cold forever, right? I like this Tracy Reese Princess Coat, which is both warm and beautiful.

Tracy Reese

4. Step away from the sacks.
Personally, I tend to wear really baggy or amorphous tops and dresses that my friends affectionately refer to as my, “sacks.” And I love them. But in the spirit of branching out for the new year and being less lazy about my wardrobe, I am planning on getting myself a few dresses that actually show off my shape a bit more. I love this Rebecca Taylor dress in navy with the blue ribbon detail and this adorably subtle leopard print with the drape front.

Images: Rebecca Taylor Spring 2010 Show

5. Cinch it.
Since I don’t have the budget to get rid of all my beloved sacks, I’m on a mission for a couple cute, versatile belts to give shape to the aforementioned dresses. There are a few Linea Pelle and Brave Networks belts I’ve had my eye on at the store. And maybe one bold patent leather belt in an eye-popping shade to break up the monotony of the requisite black I’ll be sure to wear from time to time. 

6. Buy (and use) good stationery.
In this electronic age, it’s sort of amazing to get snail mail, isn’t it? I’m not just making a shopping resolution to buy more cards, I’m making a resolution to use them. Thank You notes, Happy Birthdays and written expressions of appreciation need to come back into vogue. I like the cute ones from Seltzer. They’re fun and well-designed and really funny. A cute pick-me-up for both the sender and the recipient.

7. Save up for a good leather.
Fact: leather is expensive. And since it’s become something of a trend, there are a lot of “leatherette” options at lower prices. But I’m going to hold out for a nice leather piece that, with care, will last forever. I’m in love with this Vince asymmetrical leather jacket with the beautiful drape. Now, the hard part: to save up for it! Which is related to another on-going New Year resolution of mine which somehow never gets accomplished but here’s to hoping!

Vince asymmetrical leather drape jacket

8. Buy an amazingly fabulous and glittery party dress, even if I don’t have a party to attend.
Just because you never know! ;)

9. Buy a cute workout outfit and actually work out.
I’m thinking Nation Ltd sweats, Splendid tanks and James Perse tees…which can double as great basics if I end up just couching it.

10. Forego the It bag and just get a great bag.
Mid-sized. Black leather. Functional. Amazing. The possibilities are endless.

What are your fashion resolutions?

Come by and tell us at the stores or let us help you fulfill them! Remember, we do consignment shopping services and personal styling FOR FREE! E-mail me at for more info. AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! I just know it’s going to be a great one.

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